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Colombian casinos lose with “cheat players” and law does nothing

Published date: 2019-02-05
Colombian casinos lose with “cheat players” and law does nothing

In Colombia it has become common to see how players always seek to take advantage of the opportunities that exist in a casino or flagella that may have within their operations, because the Colombian law has not yet punished these exploits or traps that players can get to do.

For this reason, they take advantage of this judicial or legal hole, and even turn it into a business. Well, through social networks, they offer players solutions to "stop losing their money in casinos", with devices that increase the credits of the slot machines allowing them to increase their chances of winning the highest jackpot. the machine can give at that moment.

Even these merchants give guarantees on their products with evidence in which they test the devices throughout the national territory.

In the following image (in Spanish), you can see one of the many ways in which these devices are marketed through social platforms such as Facebook.

Nowadays, players can find multiple "tricks" on the internet to cheat slot machines, including YouTube step-by-step tutorial videos of how to do it, with rustic items from coins stuck to pull them to lighters, or items specifically developed for this type of actions.

However, this is not something recent because Colombian law still does not hit this type of actions strongly unlike countries like Argentina where they even captured a couple of Colombians, identified as William Medina and Juan Carlos Albarracín who had to answer for the charges of "repeated scams" the arcades of Argentina specifically on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.

The Argentine police discovered that for the same crime the Colombians were wanted by a Mercedes court, 100 kilometers from Buenos Aires, and requested reports on the presumption that they could also be required for fraud in gambling houses in Las Vegas, United States.


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