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Gamban, new tool from Time out Ohio to protect gamblers.

Published date: 2023-12-07

As part of the Ohio Lottery’s “Time Out Ohio” program for individuals with a gambling problem, Ohio is now the first state in the county to launch free blocking software to block digital bets.

Time Out Ohio already gives people the ability to sign-up and block themselves from entering a brick-and-mortar casino for one or five years, or a life time ban.

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If a person who signs up is ever caught in the casino, they may have to forfeit any gambling chips or slot tickets, be escorted off the premise and potential charged with criminal trespass.



The newest form of self protection will be in the form of software from the company Gamban, that will keep a person from placing any bets from all of their devices.

We view Gamban as an essential tool for those who struggle with gambling online. Time Out is a tool for legal based blocking, but Gamban protects individuals from the illegal market as well and those beyond the Commissions’ authority,” according to Amanda Blackford director of operations and Responsible Gaming at the Ohio Lottery Commission.



Amanda Blackford director of operations and Responsible Gaming at the Ohio Lottery Commission.


The Ohio model” of problem gambling treatment, prevention nationally recognized

But, Blackford added, there was a bright side to the numbers from the surveys.

Our prevalence numbers are actually significantly lower than the national average,” Blackford said. “And our rate of problem gambling is at about 1%. The national average is double that.”

Blackford said having problem gambling numbers lower than the national average is due to the work done by Ohio for Responsible Gambling and the problem gambling advisory board of Ohio. She said Ohio’s approach to treatment and prevention is known nationally as “the Ohio model.” 

Blackford said part of the success is due to how the OCCC and the other state agencies work together to allocate funds generated from gambling. When casinos/racinos entered the state it was determined that 2% of the tax funds would be dedicated to problem gambling services. Similarly, 2% of the taxes generated from sports betting are also being used for problem gambling services.

We at the Commission have (worked with the other agencies) to make sure we’re aiming those funds at what will make a true difference,” Blackford said. “Obviously, we can’t be in all of our communities at once, but we can talk to the providers of those communities who know what’s working for their communities and know what’s not and can give us better direction for policy, for funding and for purpose.”



The Gamban offer is for one year to block sites like FanDuel, Unibet, Bally’s and WagerScore in the US, giving those experiencing harm from gambling access to their software for free.


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