Gaming Intelligence, the specialized news service of the global interactive games industry, awarded in the HOT 50 Gaming Intelligence Awards, the President of Coljuegos, Juan B. Pérez Hidalgo, as the best in the category:
"Helping to evolve and improve the gaming sector", an acknowledgment to the management of Coljuegos in the regulation of the modality of gambling on the Internet.
According to the entity "Since Colombia became the first jurisdiction in Latin America to formally approve online gambling in 2016, the list of operators licensed in Colombia has grown rapidly. Praised by other regulators, Pérez Hidalgo has demonstrated a strong commitment to transforming the local gaming landscape while preserving the integrity of the industry. Under his guidance, we can expect to see many more companies enter the rapidly growing Colombian market. "
These awards, in the 2018 edition, recognize the excellence of the main operators and suppliers in the industry, including a special prize for the most socially responsible company. In addition, in the seventh edition (2018), recognitions are included to the actors that contribute in the development of the companies and the industry. Gaming Intelligence highlighted the need to increase the participation of women in the industry.
To this award the president of Coljuegos expressed himself in the following way: "I am pleased to receive this recognition that invites us as a regulator to continue working on a modern and clear regulation to promote the growth of the lucky gambling industry. We have made Colombia a reference in the sector at the international level ".
Pérez also admitted that the recognition given in the Gaming Intelligence Awards HOT 50, motivates Coljuegos to continue working to improve continuously as an institution, to support the management of the entrepreneurs of the gambling sector.
Increase the social responsibility of the entity towards the Colombians and increase, while ensuring greater resources for public health in the country.
In this HOT 50 publications, Gaming Intelligence invited the industry to work more to maintain leading positions in the market, which allows industry consolidation and competition: "It is no longer good enough to talk about adopting new technologies: companies have to constantly update and evolve their offers with new products and services ".
And also clarified that, for the selection of the winners, the Gaming Intelligence Awards took into account the self-improvement and the search to evolve.
In the course of the past year (2017) Coljuegos has signed seven (7) concession contracts for the operation of Internet betting in Colombia and it is estimated to reach 20 authorized operators in this modality before the 2018 soccer world cup.