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Fadja show 2017 in pictures

Published date: 2017-04-28
Fadja show 2017 in pictures

This year we bring you the images of the development of the 19th edition of FADJA, where there were essential precedents, as was the fact that the country's associations for the first time had their space at the fair giving the necessary attention to the operators front to each of your doubts.

It is also to rescue the presence and participation of the president of Coljuegos Juan B. Perez in the assemblies of the same associations. The first day Fecoljuegos held its meeting where the operators had involvement to lead talks on the progress of the industry, "We have all the provision to make it a better sector and more profitable for everyone" said Juan B. Perez who attended said Assembly.

The president was also present at the assembly of Asojuegos during the second day of the fair, where he referred to the potential that the country has in the online market:

 "I see that now everyone independent of their socioeconomic stratum has a good smartphone, so I visualize new business opportunities and even internationally" Perez referring to the online market.

Continuing along the same line of the online market and relating it directly to the facilities of the fair this year, in Chamorro City Hall the distribution of space was reduced the offer of machines for casino (some of the machines exposed were out of phase with respect to the Budget of the visitors), and this because the recurrence in the fair was directed towards the potential of the country of its online market to which Mundo Video Corp. added by impelling and directing all its efforts to the new online point of sale, the which will work 24 hours as your page does.

However, referring directly to the facilities that this year received FADJA should be remembered that the space was smaller in comparison to the capacity that Corferias owns, which also allowed the fair to see a high flow of visitors; It is also important to denote that the logistics was carried out by a company that was not accustomed to being in charge of the handling of the American fair of the game which gave rise to totally logistical inconveniences as were the connections, finally, none of this were Arguments for the different national and foreign brands to present the best of themselves.


See the pictures of the best moments or watch the videos HERE

La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes

La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes

La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes
La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes La feria Fadja 2017 en imágenes

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