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End of Year –Editorial-

Published date: 2016-12-23

Again, we will have the blessing to start another sheet of the calendar marked "December 24," a symbolic date that we have somehow let it become chaotic and certainly stressful.

In our eagerness to show affection mistakenly to those we love, we run from store to store, filling to the limit the credit we could use, dragging in a welter consumerist that is far from the spirit of Christmas spirit. It would be better if we demonstrated love with actions and not with gifts.

End of Year –Editorial-

The earthly goods as well as the life itself are ephemeral and pass, the good times just as the bad also pass and leave us their teachings, and then the moment of pain passes. It has to happen because the world does not stop.

But there will also be satisfaction for the success achieved in the studies. The dream trip will pass, the 'special' party will pass the moment of joy to obtain the desired position. The pain will pass through the loss of the relative, or the partner. It will happen because the world does not have one minute equal to another.

The satisfaction of the purchase of the car will pass. Happiness will pass for winning the contest, for having defeated others. It will pass this December and it will happen this Christmas, good or bad but it will happen. The love with which we fall in love will pass away, but it is up to each other to find other forms of love and love that will adapt to the becoming of our own life.

This has been a hectic year for the gaming industry in Colombia, full of ups and downs and many pressures where we have had and still have to make radical decisions for the sake of our company or family, and as a result of these decisions we perhaps could not comply with All that we had proposed, then why run using a date as an excuse to try to remedy what we have damaged or have not solved in twelve months, or in many others?

Let's make a stop in this hectic spiral in which we have risen, listen, and conscientiously answer if it is worthwhile to continue committed not to accept that "not by much early rises dawn earlier," let us be kind to ourselves and give the credit of The good things we have done, this period was not, but what we are doing today, surely paves the way to meet the goals tomorrow.

Today I say goodbye for the third consecutive year with a copy-paste from last year's editorial and ancestor, as it is, because our motivation and thanks never change: The truth is we do not want to wish you a Merry Christmas, we want to remind you that this is a time to live like the whole year, in the company of your loved ones and always happy ... and if we have helped that it was then we are happy, we have fulfilled: YOU ARE OUR REASON TO BE


CEO Mundo Video Corp


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