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Coljuegos achieves 3 new Pacts for Legality in the gambling industry

Published date: 2020-03-04
Coljuegos achieves 3 new Pacts for Legality in the gambling industry

The President of Coljuegos, Juan B. Pérez Hidalgo; the governor of Risaralda, Víctor Manuel Tamayo; the governor of Caldas, Luis Carlos Velásquez and on behalf of the Governor of Quindío, the Ministry of Finance, María del Socorro Mejía, signed the first three Covenants or Pacts for Legality in the gambling industry, with the presence of the National Police, the Attorney General's Office and the Asojuegos, Fedelco, Cornazar and Fecoljuegos guilds.

"We are pleased to join forces in the fight against illegal operation in gambling in this area of ​​the country with the new mayors and governors elected for the next four years," said Pérez Hidalgo.


According to the governor of Risaralda, Víctor Manuel Tamayo, the Covenants for Legality contribute to strengthening coordination with the National Police.

"We will seek the increase of the operations of control to the illegality in gambling sector and we instructed that together with the Department of Supervision of the Department of the Department of the Treasury, follow-up is carried out as frequently as possible and important results are obtained. When things are done legally and the corresponding taxes are paid, a greater social investment is achieved, which is very important for the department because health is not played " said the Coljuegos´ president.

In the same way, the governor of Caldas, Luis Carlos Velásquez, said that, although the inhabitants of his department have been victims of illegal gambling, little by little with the help of new technologies they will put on the waistline the illegal operators.


It must be remembered that the Covenants for Legality, framed in the first axis of the National Government's development plan and built on the pillars of security and justice, are part of an initiative led by Coljuegos to encourage the generation of a culture of legality of gambling sector throughout the national territory.


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