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Colombian Sports betting: For trying to rig a match is without work and without equipment

Published date: 2018-08-14
Colombian Sports betting: For trying to rig a match is without work and without equipment

Everything started on February 3, 2017, a soccer match was played between Deportivo Pasto and Cortuluá two Colombian soccer teams, which ended with a score of 4-0, benefiting the Deportivo Pasto with goals from Juan Gilberto Núñez, Christian Rivera and Yamilson Rivera.

This information seems to correspond to a normal match; however, it was accused of possible existing a match-fixing after Félix García went to the directors of his club after receiving an offer for 10 million Colombian pesos to affect the game.

The offer was in fact that Felix received the sum of 10 million Colombian pesos in exchange to be ejected from the game against Cortuluá of the Colombian soccer League, but this as mentioned previously informed his managers immediately about the situation whom passed the word to the Dimayor (the authority in charge of the soccer league) so that competent investigations could be initiated by the authorities.

This was how the prosecution decided to open for the first time a file on this specific case, in addition to clarifying that Felix Antonio Garcia "rejected the proposal with civil value." For that year, match-fixing had become more common in Colombian soccer, awakening a boom for these activities and the then president of the Dimayor, Jorge Perdomo said that "We know that in Asia and in England there are surreptitious betting houses that They are playing all the competitions in the world on the subject of betting and our effort is aimed at that ".

But at the end of last month, Francisco Navas made public his responsibility on the facts to have been the one who tried to rig the match with sponsorship of a bettor, Diego Jaramillo.


The Disciplinary Commission of the Dimayor sanctioned Navas on October 11 of last year with two years of suspension without the possibility of exercising any activity related to sport.

In the same way Navas, also made his excuses to Felix Garcia and others involved in the sport, "I sincerely apologize to Felix Garcia, players of Deportivo Pasto, players of Deportes Quindío, all players and managers of football and society in general."

At the moment, the athlete is without a trade and continues to train alone or with some friends while receiving notification that his punishment was met, and his greatest wish is to return to military with Quindío Sports. READ HERE: COLOMBIAN FOOTBALL: "THERE ARE MATCHES ARRANGED TO FAVOR ONLINE BETS"

"My dream is to return to Deportes Quindío, but I understand that it is hard because being two years standing is not good for any athlete, if I am given the opportunity, I would return, I do not have offers from other teams at the moment, I have to trust in God and wait for what Don Hernando Ángel decides, if he allows me to continue defending the colors of Deportes Quindío, I have to wait and see what happens "

In addition, the former player also says that it has been a difficult time for him and his family, recognizing that his main income came from football, however, also expresses that he wants to study a career and prepare, because he has nothing defined with football.

This it´s what video it says:

“I'm Francisco Javier Navas, former player of Deportes Quindío. In order to provide truth, justice and reparation to Félix Antonio García freely and voluntarily I make the following statement: I acknowledge that I offered Felix the sum of 10 million pesos in exchange for expelling in the game of Grass before Cortuluá the Aguila League . I sincerely apologize to Felix Garcia, players of Deportivo Pasto, players of Deportes Quindío, all players and managers of football and society in general”



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