According to meetings held between Cornazar and Coljuegos, a first guide has been given to know -how it will be- carried out the MET's inventory in Colombia.
On the website of Coljuegos, directly on the operator portal, a form was filled out which must be filled out by ALL the businessmen in the sector where they will register all the METs of the contract. Coljuegos affirmed that there will be no restriction within brands allowed in the Inventory.
It can be specified if it is an original or hybrid machine, and there will be a maximum period to complete this format until May 20.
Regarding the visits, Coljuegos understood how damaging it would be to seal or freeze an entrepreneur at the beginning of inventories if he has operations in more than one city, for this reason no movements in the contract will be restricted during the visits of the Inventory.
However, if there is no correlation with what is stated in the aforementioned format and what founds Coljuegos in the middle of the visits, the operator will be informed and given one-month period to provide evidence that the company holds the possession of METs inventoried and marked.
The machine checking will be made with the help of 2 stickers, one will be located on the left side of the machine and another one next to the plate or inside it. This sticker will be responsibility of the operator to keep it in good condition.
To update the inventory, the entrepreneur can find in the operator's portal web page a part for this operation, once he gets authorization he will have a period of 5 days to present the necessary requirements there ordered.
The employer also in the middle of this requirement should request the entity stickers for the new machines.
Each QR Code will have the general information of the machine, this is done in order to give transparency to the player and verification against the competent authorities
Finally, the NUC (A unique number inside the machine) assigned on the label will be the validator of all types of operations that the employer wants to do.
All these inventory procedures will be made by Coljuegos, regarding to upgrade their data base with better information of how the Colombian industry operates nowadays, also having an almost complete information of which machines are in the national territory
This is the resolution in Spanish that is in the process of signing and publishing in the official newspaper, to be valid.