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A Christmas for the braves

Published date: 2018-12-24
Christmas is here

Christmas is here, and we all know that feeling of saving money and try to find the perfect gift. If you are a planner, your search began some weeks or even months ago, and it will end this 25th morning or 24th night depending on your family’s tradition.

If everyone enjoyed more often, sharing good wishes or searching funny gifts to amaze or amuse other people… Why does this only happens on Christmas? Isn’t any day as good as this one to be happy and enjoy life?


What about the rest of the year? Can’t you do charity on the other 364 days? Why December and no other month? Why do we have to eat these special meals only once a year? Why don’t we share what’s left all the year? Why nonbelievers celebrate these days and believers don’t observe the real meaning?

The sure thing about this is Christmas seems to get the best version of us, it is almost as a wake-up call from inside that say us “ Hey, have you make someone happy?, have you smiled enough this year? Do it! ”

This wake-up call seems to remind us of the fleeting nature of life and the hurry and anxiety of a final chance.

Gifts, gifts everywhere, they crowd our mind, time and efforts at Christmas, but there’s another kind of perquisites that we usually forget, ones that are really important at this time of the year: time, service and reflection.


Why don’t we spend an hour, a second, or anytime to help those in need, you don’t need to go far, if we look at our families we will find someone, and magically, we have given those three gifts in one action.

Christmas is just an inherited excuse we know nothing about; we don’t know “why” but we are overwhelmed with “what” to give so we can fill in the “from to” card

I propose a Christmas for the braves! Let’s give from our hearth, let’s be honest and say -if we have no money to spare- I will give you a sincere hug, from the bottom of my heart.

Let’s be bold to give less but share more.

Let’s be brave to recognized material things doesn’t fulfill us, let’s be brave not to buy other people's love through their dreams.

Let’s be brave enough not to judge others if they don’t give us anything, let’s be brave enough to give ourselves as we are.

From our fantastic company, and on behalf of my team and me, A lot of good energy and of course a sincere THANK YOU for sharing this adventure with us, Happy life!



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