In order to increase the offer of Gambling games Operated by Internet and considering the request by the different actors in the sector, Coljuegos analyzed the existence of Virtual Games in countries such as Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Nigeria, among others. Games that have a significant market share percentage within the jurisdictions.
In this way, Coljuegos published yesterday the project that modifies the agreement 04 of 2016 to approve the regulation of the games operated by internet, where it allows operators to offer:
1. Slot machines or random.
2. Roulette
3. Black Jack.
4. Baccarat
5. Bingo
6. Poker.
7. Virtual Games (which can be bets on real sporting events, or real non-sporting events)
However, Coljuegos in this publication is quite broad and stipulates that the operator is not obliged to exploit all the games included in the contract but may add those games that he wishes to offer and does not include in the initial application.
On the virtual games they must be determined by a random number generator (GNA) and in which the winner of the bet is defined from hitting the result of the event. But no bets will be allowed during the event.
Finally, these bets on real events and virtual games can be offered in those venues that develop the following commercial activity:
- Gambling and betting activities
- Hotel accommodation
- Expenditure of alcoholic beverages for consumption within the establishment
- Other business support service activities n.c.p (online recharges, telephone recharge pins, money orders, and postal savings boxes)
The entity will be receiving the comments of the people or operators interested until today September 10 to, we make available the full document in Spanish