Taxes Colombia. Since 2012, Coljuegos has begun operations to raise revenues that go to public health and social security of Colombians. The entity does this task with localized, novel and promotional games: casinos, bingos, Baloto, Super Astro, among others.
In December, the health system received more than $ 441 billion for financing through ceded rents of games of chance such as Baloto, casinos and betting. (READ SO NEXT 5 YEARS OF PRIVATE MANAGEMENT FOR BALOTO WAS SIGNED)
These resources that produce taxes on games of chance are transferred to territorial entities to finance health and education services in 1102 municipalities of the 32 departments.
According to Coljuegos, in December 2016, the contribution to the health of Colombians was $ 441 billion. Sum that was divided between Colciencias, the health fund, fonpet, Fosyga, legal operators, authorized establishments and met, as follows:
It should be noted that, in the current scheme of financing the Health System, the income ceded occupy a prominent place because, together with the resources of the General System of Participations and those of the Fosyga, they finance the subsidized regime and the provision of services to the uninsured poor and services not contained in the Obligatory Health Plan.