The independent setters or vendors within the framework of the lotto gambling, and according to the Colombian law, are all those persons who, by their own means, dedicate themselves to the promotion or placement, for example, of permanent bets, without dependence on a concessionaire company, under a commercial contract.
However, Article 401-1 of the Tax Statute establishes that the income received by independent underwriters is subject to withholding tax at the source of the 3% income tax.
This retention will only be applied when the daily income of each independent setter exceeds 5 UVT. For this purpose, the retention agents will be the operators or distributors of games of chance. For 2019, the DIAN fixed the value of the UVT in $ 34,270 Colombian pesos.
For this reason, an independent dealer of games of chance will be subject to the withholding, if his daily income exceeds $ 171,000 COP or 5 UVT. This retention has increased a total of COP $ 34,000 since 2015, when the value of the UVT was at COP $ 27,485.
Finally, it should be remembered that, with respect to last year, the UVT raised a total of $ 1,114 COP, that is, its value was $ 33,156 COP and the applicability of the withholding was for those whose daily income exceeded $ 166,000 COP. This measure covers sellers, promoters, lotters, or setters, who exercise their activity independently in permanent bets such as lotteries, raffles, chances and other gambling type that develop this work independently apply the retention in the source for tax revenue